The alternatives to commercially available bags and boxes for LiPos are to consider some of the more home grown options.
This section explores examples of physical charging containers and protection devices. Note these thoughts are in addition to understanding and executing on best practices as per of resources page HERE.
An effective charging container or other protection device aims to help us across the ISOLATE and CONTAIN elements of our Action Plan.
One effective charging option seems to be a basic containment bunker built from bricks and cement sheet. The two links below provide some guidance.
- An article from CK Aero (aeromodelling group) examining anatomy of a LiPo fire and introducing a simple bunker design from ceramic floor tiles and bricks – HERE
- A video from Flite Test covering their views on LiPo fires and a similar approach to building a bunker (bunker starts around 4:20) – HERE
Other Ideas
In practice we all have slightly different needs, and hence our local community members have been developing different approaches to managing risk in their own specific environment. There are multiple in development and we will add details as they come together.

A purpose built enclosure for charging LiPo and other Lithium batteries in a flexible space. It is designed to be wheeled outside during use to isolate it from any secondary ignition risk if things go wrong